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Brain abscess treatment starts with medications and then a surgery may be required if the conditions is too critical. Brain abscess surgery is recommended if the person has developed an abscess of size more than two centimeter. Brain aspiration for abscess are of two types, simple and craniotomy.

Simple aspiration follows burr-hole procedure that involves creating a drill in the skull and draining out pus from the hole. Burr hole drainage procedure takes one hour to complete.
The symptoms of brain abscess include differences in mental process, change in vision, decreased speech, decreased sensation, vomiting, fever, changes in personality and decreased movement.Risk factors for brain abscess involve chronic illness, cancer, a compromised immune system, meningitis, major head injury, etc. When an abscess does not respond to aspiration, craniotomy is suggested.

Craniotomy procedure is done by shaving a small portion of your hair and eliminating a small piece of skull bone. CT-assistance is administered to help drain out pus from the abscess.

Burr-Hole Aspiration for Abscess
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