Kathmandu with Chitwan
Kathmandu, an incredibly diverse historic city with Newari architecture and centuries old Hindu and Buddhist religious sites, promises to be a pupil-dilating experience. The largest city in Nepal, Kathmandu is blessed by the Living Goddess Kumari, arts & architecture. Chitwan,…

North East India & Bhutan
If you aim to find a getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city life, Northeast India with Bhutan can be the perfect path into a quitter, calmer India alongside providing you with glimpses of Buddhist culture & destinations.

Bhutan Paro Tour
Allow us to escort you to Bhutan; one of the world’s happiest countries. The last great Himalayan kingdom, tangled in mystery & magic, where a traditional Buddhist culture carefully embraces modernization & global developments. From the cliff side monasteries of…

Discover Sri Lanka
Endless beaches, timeless ruins, welcoming people, oodles of elephants, rolling surf, cheap prices, fun trains, famous tea and flavorful food make Sri Lanka irresistible. Serving the best of both worlds; we are here to show you that there is no…